Friday, April 17, 2009

Economics in Book of Mormon Jib (specifically, Alma)

And it came to pass, that as I read the Wall Street Journal, mine eyes stumbled upon an article entitled “Fed Officials Split on Best Path”. As I pondered these things in my mind and in my heart, I came to understand better the proceedings and secret combinations of the Federal Reserve. The deeds and revelations of the Federal Reserve seen by Kearl have come to fulfillment in this, our day.
Judges of the Federal Reserve, in the ninety and sixth year of the reign of the judges, decided to give gain to the economy in measure of 60 trillion senines (one senine of gold = one measure of barley = 24 cups of barley ≈ 10 lb barley = 17 U.S. dollars of barley ≈ 60 trillion measures of barley per one trillion U.S. dollars [see Alma 11:7]). The judges also saw it fit to pervert the federal-funds rate by using manner of force to keep it “in a range near zero”. Both of these actions reap consequence of increasing the U.S. economy’s money supply, thereby decreasing the interest rates in the investment market, manifesting an increase in consumption and aggregate demand.
The adversary of this seemingly strait and narrow path to economic stability are that of unemployment woes, “’fragile and unsettled’ financial markets, falling foreign economic activity, and falling wealth. The people of which this wrath is incurred upon, yea, that wrath that desires to bring them down into utter destruction, live in fear of spending. Therefore, the people of this economy save according to the distrust against weak markets and the decreased reception of their wages according to their employ, nay, even their lack of employment. The judges have demonstrated much faith in the flattening out of both the falling Gross Domestic Product and the rising unemployment rate, that they may keep safe their economy and its people and encourage such to be more vain in their spending.

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